Saturday, March 12, 2011


(I in no way shape or form own these images)JAPAN TRAGITY

Japan is a beautiful country. I heard on the news that many are dead, injured, and missing. I would have to say that everyone shall bow their heads and say a prayer to them that have suffered from this natural disaster. United States of America may not be the most liked country. We do want to help though. I am hoping that I can in some way help someone/many of the people and animals that this has hurt. All I can say is I do not know what you are going through. Stay strong though help is here. We as people on this world have got to stay kind, true, and strong. We have to stick through these tragities together. God has a plan for us all. He may not have had this much in mind but, he knows that he can fix it.
I personally feel that everything is going to be better. We just have to not let it get the best of us. My heart goes out to all those that are hurt and in pain. You have my hope going out to you. If there is any way that I can help I will be sure to do it. Although, It angers/depresses me that so many are never away from danger. We will live through this. Bring peace in your soul. Know that all you have just been through may have been tragic but, dreams of working together will live on.
If I had millions of dollars I would give it all towards rebuilding civilization. You are in my thoughts, heart, and prayers. I hope to see you all clime to a height in which you overcome the event that has happened most recently. Remember this day, Then later remember that it was not fair to those lost/hurt. But, we are to provide a better creation of who we are. All men and women working together to help those in need at this time, past situations, and future issues. I am here Japan. We are all here for you. We have passion to help you in your time of need.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Care For Them

 You think about how hard it would be having such a long distance relationship. You feel unaware how you would feel about it. In reality sometimes you may have to cope with life commands. Not feeling exactly right you take the risk anyways. Everyone has different experiences. My relationship started when I was 13 but, my adventure started when I was born. I believe that when I was brought into this world this is where I was meant to be. As I sit here rambling on about how life is so perfect. You are probably thinking where is the drama. Truth is drama comes and drama goes. It's not what is important. Life is a better place without the problems. When it comes to entertainment I suggest everyone wants to know how to have a beautiful healthy relationship. Truth is only you and your love can determine that. I got a bit of an understanding how us as human beings work.

Female Human: We love to be held. We enjoy some security in our lives. As many males as I can think of 5/10 will think that woman can't be strong all by themselves. But, they are wrong truth is that females have a lot to deal with. We have cycles on just about everything. Our cleaning consists of getting the harder work done then the easier. (Not for all) We want someone to appreciate us in many ways. When we get tired sure we can get a bit grumpy but, you should know that we are going to let you know that we care when we get our brains pumping again. We can be a little over rude, defying, and ungentle at times.We sometimes have problems controlling our emotions.

Male Human: I can't say much because I don't know quite what they want. Although, they will not admit it but they want to be loved just as much as a female. Hormones are not all every male has on their mind. They have maturity in many levels. They also, would like to feel secure with the person they are with. They are very ridiculous at times as you may think. But, maybe females are supposed to clash with males to keep the heart filled with how amazing times are when the disagreement is over. (Not all Males) Some can't get why a female feels the way she does. They are amazing when we give them a chance to be.

Animals: They just want some love from a human. Not all have trust for humans because of caution tape situations that have happened to them. Which will make them feel like their trust was crushed and that is why I encourage people to save an animal from a pound. Everyone deserves a family! Even the reptiles many dislike! Help them, help you to learn from them as they learn from you.